The monument to Pronia Prokopovna and Golohvost - a monument to famous characters from comedy "Running after two hares" - is situated in Kiev on Andreevskiy descend.
It was built in 1999.
The composition shows Svirid Golokhvastov who is kneeling in front of Pronia Prokopovna, who is reaching out her hand to him for a kiss.
Pronia Prokopovna and Svirid Golokhvastiy are the charecters from a soviet comedy "Running after two hares". The monument is situated in front of the restaurant "Running after two hares" near the Andreevska Church in the beginning of the Andreevskiy descend.
In the foot of the monument there's Sviridov's glove.
Many couples come to this monument to take pictures in the same position. This way they are expressing their love for each other.
There's also a myth that if you strike Pronia's engagement ring you will be successfully married in the nearest future.
On the back part of Sviridov's sculpture there's a bug. It is said that this bug will bring you financial success. You only have to stroke it. People tried to steal this bug many times, 6 times they managed to do that.